Engagement Sessions

Engagement Sessions are a great ease before the big wedding day because in this session, it is all about just the two of you – and the unique connection that you share. I set up the sessions to be more fun and relaxed, and with a more flexible time limit, so your natural expressions shine through in these photos. These photos are meant to be a great addition to your wedding photos, and a chance to get very creative!

These pictures will make a great memory, or a great gift, photos capturing the unique love you share. For some, these are the first professionally done photos that will start your life’s legacy as a new family. A large printed canvas of your favorite engagement photograph at the wedding reception for you guests to sign is always a good idea – just saying! ;)

Couples Sessions

Not Engaged, but still want to treat yourselves to an equally fun and relaxing photoshoot to capture your authentic love for one another? I hope you consider this as an option as well.